Am. Ch. Stargazers Atlas GMC at Zeitgeist
Dakota was imported from the USA by the late Mike Bradshaw of Zeitgeist Dobermanns in 2005. Sadly, he could not be campaigned in UK show rings due to having cropped ears. He was health tested in the UK with excellent results for all known breed problems. Dakota finished his American champion title at 2 years of age and came to UK in 2005 after siring his first litter in USA which produced 2 champion females. Dakota spent 7 happy, healthy years with Mike and his family before succumbing to cancer. We are pleased to have frozen semen stored from Dakota to make best use of his very famous and prepotent bloodlines which include Caleb, Telstar, Brunswig and Gold Grove. All of which are very famous and successful USA Dobermann kennels.
Health results - Hips 3:5 BVA/KC
Eyes: Clear
VwD: Carrier